The Creative Confidence

A 5-week digital online course to ignite you to be more creative, bold and powerful.
Susie Garcia

my name is
Susie Garcia
I’m an Entrepreneur, Dancer, Choreographer and now Creative Director of my own business and in the dance industry. I know first hand how difficult it can be to dream your biggest dream and have it pushed aside because you’re too scared or “people” may not think it’s the right fit for you. I've Unlocked c r e a t i v e potential in aspiring creative individuals, no matter what their niche is. Throughout the years I've helped creators be more confident through their own creativeness. With tough love I've guided artist to build confidence they needed to go after their dreams and make a creative statement. I've spent much of my life studying confidence and therapeutic techniques that lead to inner transformation; it's absolutely what I LOVE and have made it my career.
I’ve worked with hundreds of creatives just like YOU, guiding them to pursue their dreams, business, next step, next milestone in life. Maybe your career hasn’t flourished how you dream it would because of your busy schedule or you don’t feel confident enough to embark on a new journey, or maybe you even have had a successful career in the creative world and your time has shifted to the question, “whats next for me?”, “Is this it?”.
The Creative Confidence digital online course will guide you through specific skills to improve your creative life and do what feels natural to you with love and compassion at the same time you build a career for yourself.
Unlock your creative intuition and become the creative Y O U want to be.
Susie Garcia

Many times creative kids aren’t celebrated in spaces where Art is the minority. Often times we are told to pick a passion that “makes sense” or something that can land you into college. I knew from a young age that my route would be different. I knew Art was my ticket out! It wasn’t until I was 14 years old that I stumbled into a high school dance audition and met the woman that would single-handedly be responsible for changing my life forever. Her name, Susie Garcia, she came in at a divine time, I was just an untrained singer who never danced and only wanted to dodge his practice for Track & Field. I couldn’t keep up with the choreography and only knew one dance move, “The Moonwalk”, I must’ve been bursting with energy because plot twist I made the team. That was the beginning of a beautiful pattern that will be a constant in my life, Susie believing in me more than I believed in myself.
Susie has not only been a game changer in dance, she also encourages us to hone in on other talents and gifts we’ve been blessed with. I’ve been singing and writing songs for as long as I can remember and Susie has celebrated that time after time, from allowing me to perform my original song at 14 in front of my entire high school during a recital, to her choreographing my very first music video. She has always motivated me to push beyond the limits I set for myself be it in dance, music or wherever I chose to express. My gifts were never shunned or silenced, they were always celebrated.
I grew up in a home with loving parents who always wanted the best for me and wanted me to succeed, but most parents are realists and can only guide and encourage you to the best of their ability and not really understanding the plight of an artist. We need mentors and guardian angels to help sharpen our iron and creatively direct us in life, Susie is that to me and so much more. She continues to pour life into me everyday. Constantly challenging me, beyond art, in life. I will never be the same and I am forever grateful. I owe my entire artistry to Susie. I feel the reason I am able to capture freedom so freely is because I had the honor of being trained and nurtured by the best example of liberation through expression.

Susie Garcia overflows with wisdom & life advice. I was facing difficult moments in my life that I didn’t know how to handle when I met Susie. Every dance class I took was a moment to escape reality & live my life the way I wished I could 100% of the time. I was a young adult who needed some proper guidance. Susie opened my eyes & heart to a better view of life. I’ve learned to appreciate all that you have, because it can all be taken away in an instant. Susie has been a part of my life for 3 years now & it already feels like a lifetime! After a couple sessions with her, I made the decision to take a handle on those difficult moments & turn my life around 180 degrees! Today, I strive for a greater ME every moment I can. I know I deserve so much more in life than what I was accepting back then. I used to live my life for others.... now I choose ME ❤️
Susie G is ALL The Creative Confidence you need for a greater you!

There is so much I can say about Susie and how she has impacted my life, but I will try to keep it as brief as possible. This woman literally pulled me out of my darkest place, in the toughest time of my life. Her advice, work ethic, passion, drive, leadership, as well as her ability to fight through any obstacle, inspired me to chase after my dreams again and reignited the fire in me after years of being stuck in a time in my life where I was completely lost. The community she has created at Show Stopper has helped me and so many others with amazing opportunities and beautiful memories. It’s been a blessing to have the universe bring such a strong and loving human being into my life and of course, the family she has brought to me as well. ❤️
The Creative Confidence is the boost you need to look in the mirror and see a successful creator in front of you. (Because pssst; it is Y O U) The Creative Confidence teaches you to use both logic and attach emotion to create your next adventure.
Creator you might be:
make- up artist
This online course is for Y O U.
Breakaway from what society says your job title is “suppose” to be and create a future you can see. Break free from the box.
Find the Confidence to break the creative tradition and make it your own.